College Credits Whilst You Are Still Studying At School.

The Four-Year undergrad…

The term “four-year college” has lost all its meaning to the Centennial. Gen – Z being brought up in this fast-paced world know nothing else apart from being always connected via technology – phones, tablets etc. Do they wish to pursue four-year graduation anymore? Not too many people, according to the U.S. Department of Education. They say that only 60% of students who enrolled in universities in 2008 had graduated by 2014. In other words, after six years—six years in which Breaking Bad premiered, won 16 primetime Emmys and went off the air, — 40% of students still hadn’t graduated. 

Listed are a few advantages for students gaining university credits whilst at school:

Higher Possibility to get a scholarship and save money: Start early and save more!

While earning university credits in high school may seem an additional burden and time consuming, it is very cost-effective and a sure sign of foresight in planning a successful career. Taking up these college programs would save students thousands of dollars in the long run. If preparations are done in advance, the possibility of obtaining a scholarship is much higher. It helps save a considerable chunk of money and gets the students ahead, confident and persistent in studying better.

Explore specific fields of study in-depth & improve chances to get into a Top-Tier university.

Advanced Placement and other college-level courses allow students to learn about the different study areas available to them. After completing a given course-credit, a student will have a better understanding of the topic. They have weighed out the pros and cons and can develop their capabilities accordingly. They can figure out whether they want to move forward with the subject if they have a liking to it or change course and then enter a college of their choice – either full time or choose an alternative option.  

Work Smarter, not harder.

Irrespective of who you are or what you do, smart work always can beat hard work when it comes to delivering results. You can plan and define your career goals by studying early when you’re at high school. Pursuing a college course earlier can give you a head start. It can help alleviate the pressure later to focus on designing and building a successful career or concentrating on subjects that need extra attention. 

Allocate Your Time Wisely.

Time-Allocating is a gift all working professionals desire. Obtaining college credits is a bitter-sweet pill that can teach you that lesson and give you that head-start in making you wiser and versatile for the future. These are valuable skill-sets students can and will need to learn before they enter the workforce. Although it may seem tedious, balancing it all at this young age will prove to be effortless. Further, it will teach students how to allocate time and meet deadlines. An added advantage of taking these courses is minimal home responsibilities or work-related stresses. Parents and relatives’ additional guidance to make learning manageable is an added boon that can assist young students with time management skills – focusing on the things that matter. In the long run, it makes entering college a lot less alarming as you’ve already got a fair idea of the expectation and are well versed with your future environment.

You can earn your degree sooner.

Entering college whilst already bagging a few credits under your belt will make a difference with your schedule and will allow you the freedom to try things you otherwise would not be able to as a newbie on campus. Take this opportunity to consider what else you can do to make your college experience even more exciting and diverse.

The University of Arizona Offering.

Arizona State University allows you to take part in such benefits and streamline your career and an early kickstart to success and strong career growth. You can start when you’re in your 11th or 12th with credit-bearing courses and plan your path to college success.

Do you want to check out the offerings? Click Here to find out more!

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