Schooling in Canada

We have partnered with several high schools around the country to develop and implement programs and are seeking to build a strong cohort of strategic partners who want to move all students down the path to global education. Our goal is to establish nurturing and trusted relationships with families, schools, and recruiting partners to deliver quality student outcomes and a high level of student satisfaction.


A Top Rated School, Regent Christian Academy, today,  not only boasts a new name, but computer and science labs, a full-sized gym, and 39 acres of land with a student body of over 1200.

Villanova College

Villanova College is an independent, Catholic school committed to the Augustinian values of unitas, veritas and caritas, meaning unity, truth and love. Since 1999, the School has prepared young men and women for university, leadership and for life.

Learn More About Schools in Canada with GEB.

Speak to our North American counsellor: +1 317 854 2786